Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Journalism and capital-T truth

How do we get the truth?
Carl Bernstein says that time can help us get to the truth. He says we often rush through to get a story out and it would be more truthful if we took more time on our stories.
He also says not to just write for "shock" because sometimes when we do that, our facts become a form of misinformation.

I agree with Bernstein 100%. I also think there are a couple more ways to find the truth. One is when you are interviewing someone on a subject, perhaps talk to more than one person. You can compare stories and sometimes you will find one wasn't being 100% truthful. Also, it is smart to research the topic as much as you can before you talk to people. That way, if something doesn't sound complete, you can ask more questions then instead of going back to write your story and find that something just doesn't fit.

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